Monday, February 12, 2007

Barb is HERE!!

My sister, Barb, arrived on Saturday night for a two-week visit, and I think she's beginning to understand why I love this place!

Sunday at noon we went up to the Renaissance Hotel for their Italian Buffet... this is NOT your typical pizza and spaghetti buffet... it starts with pumpkin soup... yummy salads... ceviche... smoked salmon... grilled salmon... mixed grill.... garlic pasta... lamb ragout... fresh fruits... pineapple and kiwi and lychee... and then... the dessert table... TO DIE FOR!!! The cool thing about Japanese desserts -- they're not overly sweet... so you don't get sick of them...

After we ate our fill, we went down to the water to watch the dolphins playing in the pens... the trainers were out with them, so we got to watch them practicing their tricks. One of the dolphins who wasn't working with a trainer was clearly trying to get attention -- kinda reminded me of a toddler dolphin!! So cute!!

On the way home, we drove out to Cape Zanpa... we stopped at a gift shop that carries all sorts of Okinawan pretties -- and lots of sweet potato stuff....

Today, Barb had a massage at the fitness center. Now SHE worships Mimi, too! She decided that she just had to have another one before she leaves here, so we got that scheduled. Then we had lunch at a little soba shop down by the seawall... and went for out pedicures complete with nail art... an altogether decadent couple of days!!

I did assure her that they're not ALL like this... I do work sometimes!!

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