Saturday, August 25, 2007

A "Moving Update" :)

Well... we're almost down to the wire here :)

The movers arrive Tuesday morning... there's no typhoons on the map, so that's GOOD! I love typhoons, but not when I'm trying to move furniture!

The rest of my Chinese antiques were delivered on Friday on the same day that my unaccompanied baggage shipment went out... Funny story -- I stopped in at Oriental Place on Thursday to make my last payment... and there was a new bed (well, not a NEW bed, but a new antique bed)... so... I had to look... and think... I already had a wedding bed in the warehouse, but something really drew me to this bed instead -- and then I discovered why!! The front legs of the bed nestle into carved shiisa!! The bed is BEAUTIFUL -- more than 100 years old... well loved... well used... and very VERY unique... so.. Yuki agreed to let me swap this bed for my wedding bed (thank you, Yuki!!)

The other furniture that arrived? a beautiful quilt stand (really a kimono stand, but it makes a GREAT quilt stand!!), a gorgeous armoire with inlay made of cow bone... a desk...

Add that to the two altar tables that I haven't yet posted pictures of -- and all the stuff I HAVE posted pictures of... and.. you kind of get the picture?? I can't MOVE in here!!!

Also... getting ready for the move, my fabric stash is all in one place rather than a bit in this chest and a bit in that... so... yeah... the addiction is pretty apparent!! But, now that I'm buying fabric for the shop, I haven't bought any personal fabric in... um... a couple of weeks!! :)

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