Saturday, August 04, 2007

Yummy Sushi! Yoga Mat Backpack

My youngest son, Nathan, is all about fitness!! He originally decided to take Pilates because "there's hot chicks in that class"... (so maybe he's not ALL about fitness LOL)... but now he really loves Pilates!!

So, I found this cool pattern for a backpack for his yoga mat.... and he also really loves sushi, so this is perfect fabric for him!

When I told him that I'd made him a pack for his yoga mat and then he saw the picture he said, "Whew!! I was afraid it was going to be 'girly'!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's true! i joined for the hot girls... but i really got into it.. and i hope to get licensed soon.. within the next year or so.. i cant wait to get the bag! thanks mom!