Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shiisa Quilts Staff Loves Visitors!!

This has been another very busy week, but we are FINALLY beginning to look like a shop!! I'll try to get some pictures up after Christmas...

Each day this week, we have had a visitor or two... and it's really fun to show them around! It also gives us an excuse to take a break from all the work we're doing!! :)

On Tuesday (at least I think it was Tuesday!), I got a call from my FEDEX driver telling me that they had a big delivery for us... I had gone in to the shop early that morning, so I called home to tell David and Nathan that I was coming home to get them -- I was going to need help!! Called Chris and Bonnie and Ashley, too... By the time I got back to the shop with the boys, the FEDEX truck was in the lot waiting for me. We unloaded about 25 boxes... and started unpacking them... lots of merchandise from Quilters' Resource and Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design... Unpacking those boxes, it felt like Christmas!! :)

A couple of hours later, a big truck pulled in.... our fixtures from Stewart Textiles had arrived... all 70 boxes of them!! Big boxes!! Now the shop was full of boxes... and we started unpacking the fixtures and deciding where to put them... We were down to the last 5 or 10 boxes, when another truck arrived!!! This time, it was the Bernina shipment!! About 35 boxes of sewing machines and sergers and software...

It has been so much fun unpacking all the boxes that it hardly seems like work -- except that we all go home pretty tired at the end of each day!! Sarah, our Bernina District Manager, came down on Thursday afternoon and helped us to get the Berninas set up -- and she'll be back in early January...

In the meantime, we had conference calls with the credit card processor and the gift card processor so that we could learn how to do all those processes.... and we started selling gift cards this week!! We even did our first credit card sale!! Thanks to all the folks who have come in and helped us to test our new skills!!

This afternoon we even had visitors from Martinsville!! They had heard about the shop and decided to come see for themselves!! And they found us even without a sign!! Quilters are just like that, aren't they?

Well... now it's almost Christmas, and all of us are planning to enjoy the holidays with our families -- and we hope you will enjoy your holidays!! And we hope to see you soon!!

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