Sunday, October 22, 2006

My UFO's -- the unfinished quilts just keep on coming!

I've been told by people whom I trust to know this stuff, that the sign of a true quilter is that she will have LOTS of UFO's (UnFinishedObjects!)! If that's the case, I am truly a quilter!!

Now... unlike my friend -- another Jan -- I really DO like to finish them! But my favorite part is making the quilt tops, so I imagine I'll always have a few stacked up waiting for someone to help me with the layering... and then the quilting... and then that dreaded hand-sewn binding!!

Right now I have a whole bunch of UFOs... and during the last typhoon, when I should have been finishing some, I was just overcome with the urge to piece another one... I wonder if there's a 12-Step process for quilters??

Here's some of my current UFO's...

Amy's Quilt

Purple Rail Fence

Around the Twist -- Cranes and Kanji

Crane Quilt

My Typhoon Shanshan quilt

Jeff & Marie

A paper-pieced Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

My first radiant star -- his was FUN!!

Radiant Star

There's a couple more, but I don't have pix of them yet... :)

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